

As a certified dealer for MaK, CM, EMD, Napier and KBB products, MaK Asia and MaK Middle East provides a variety of parts and parts programs that will ensure the continuing productivity of all your engines and equipment.

Caterpillar continually strives to improve component design and manufacturing of all engine parts. Normal engine operation subjects components to extreme stresses and temperatures and tests have consistently proven that the use of genuine parts (as opposed to copy parts) greatly improves engine performance and reliability, and reduces overall owning and operating costs.

Singapore and Dubai serves as MaK Asia’s and MaK Middle East's main parts stocking locations with inventory worth approximately US$10M, covering new and significant Service Exchange Units. Additional inventory is held in Shanghai and Melbourne.

Mak Asia/MaK Middle East recognizes the importance of parts availability, and can flexibly deliver parts to the destination of your choice as and when you need them.

Contact us today to learn more about product offerings and details.

MaK Asia and MaK Middle East are authorized Napier Products and Parts dealer for Singapore and China and Middle East.

Effective December 2014, Mak Asia became the Authorized EMD Dealer for Asia.

Effective March 1, 2014, Mak Asia took over responsibility for CM Electric Power parts distribution in Asia, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh.


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MaK Asia offers service upgrades including IMO II Conversion, MDO to HFO Conversions, and Duel Fuel Conversions.

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MaK Asia: Excellence on Board. Contact the MaK Asia 24-hour service desk available 7-days a week.

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