EMD® Engines

MaK Asia/MaK Middle East are the authroized dealers of Progress Rail's EMD® Engines for Marine, Oil and Gas and Power Plant applications in Asia Pacific & Middle East . Explore the product offerings, including the EMD E23 Series, to find which equipment best meets your needs.

Read more about the enduring and legendary EMD E 23 Series (previously 710) in the brochure below, combining performance, productivity and design efficiency.    

EMD E 23 Brochure

MaK Asia/MaK Middle East have a professional sales team to provide relevant advice and customized solutions during the procurement process. Subsequent project phases, from detailed engineering to commissioning, are diligently managed by our project managers and commissioning engineers.


EMD® Propulsion Engines

Unmatched performance for Marine Propulsion


EMD® Generator Sets

EMD continually commits to increased performance, durability, reliability and maintainability.
